Source code for mediadecoder.soundrenderers.pygamerenderer

import threading
import pygame

import warnings
warnings.warn("Pygame sound renderer is not working correctly yet. Using the "
	"pyaudio renderer is recommended for now.")

	# Python 3
	from queue import Queue, Empty
	# Python 2
	from Queue import Queue, Empty

from mediadecoder.soundrenderers._base import SoundRenderer


[docs]class SoundrendererPygame(threading.Thread, SoundRenderer): """ Uses pygame.mixer to play sound """
[docs] def __init__(self, audioformat, queue=None): """Constructor. Creates a pygame sound renderer using pygame.mixer. Parameters ---------- audioformat : dict A dictionary containing the properties of the audiostream queue : Queue.queue A queue object which serves as a buffer on which the individual audio frames are placed by the decoder. """ super(SoundrendererPygame, self).__init__() if pygame is None: raise RuntimeError("Pygame sound renderer is not available") if not queue is None: self.queue = queue fps = audioformat["fps"] nchannels = audioformat["nchannels"] nbytes = audioformat["nbytes"] buffersize = audioformat["buffersize"] pygame.mixer.quit() pygame.mixer.init(fps, -8 * nbytes, nchannels, buffersize)
[docs] def run(self): """ Main thread function. """ if not hasattr(self, 'queue'): raise RuntimeError("Audio queue is not intialized.") chunk = None channel = None self.keep_listening = True while self.keep_listening: if chunk is None: try: frame = self.queue.get(timeout=queue_timeout) chunk = pygame.sndarray.make_sound(frame) except Empty: continue if channel is None: channel = else: if not channel.get_queue(): channel.queue(chunk) chunk = None if not channel is None: channel.stop() pygame.mixer.quit()
[docs] def close_stream(self): """ Cleanup (done by pygame.quit() in main loop) """ self.keep_listening = False