# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import json
import logging
import warnings
# QtAwesome icon fonts for spinners
import qtawesome as qta
# OSF connection interface
import QOpenScienceFramework.connection as osf
# Fileinspector for determining filetypes
import fileinspector
# For presenting numbers in human readible formats
import humanize
# Unix style filename matching
import fnmatch
# QT classes
# Required QT classes
from qtpy import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets, QtNetwork
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
# Python 2 and 3 compatiblity settings
from QOpenScienceFramework.compat import *
from QOpenScienceFramework.util import check_if_opensesame_file
from QOpenScienceFramework import dirname
osf_logo_path = os.path.join(dirname, 'img/cos-white2.png')
osf_blacklogo_path = os.path.join(dirname, 'img/cos-black.png')
# Dummy function later to be replaced for translation
_ = lambda s: s
[docs]class ProjectTree(QtWidgets.QTreeWidget):
""" A tree representation of projects and files on the OSF for the current user
in a treeview widget."""
# Event fired when refresh of tree is finished
refreshFinished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
""" PyQt signal that emits when the tree is completely refreshed. """
# Maximum of items to return per request (e.g. files in a folder). OSF
# automatically paginates its results
[docs] def __init__(self, manager, use_theme=None, theme_path='./resources/iconthemes'):
""" Constructor.
Creates a tree showing the contents of the user's OSF repositories.
Can be passed a theme to use for the icons, but if this doesn't happen
it will use the default qtawesome (FontAwesome) icons for the buttons.
manager : manger.ConnectionManager
The object taking care of all the communication with the OSF.
use_theme : string (default: None)
The name of the icon theme to use.
theme_path : The path to the folder at which the icon theme is located
Relevant only on Windows and OSX as the location of icon themes on
Linux is standardized.
super(ProjectTree, self).__init__()
self.manager = manager
# Check for argument specifying that qt_theme should be used to
# determine icons. Defaults to False.
if isinstance(use_theme, basestring):
# Win and OSX don't support native themes
# so set the theming dir explicitly
if isinstance(theme_path, basestring) and \
QtGui.QIcon.setThemeSearchPaths(QtGui.QIcon.themeSearchPaths() \
+ [theme_path])
# Set up general window
# Set Window icon
if not os.path.isfile(osf_logo_path):
logging.error("OSF logo not found at {}".format(osf_logo_path))
osf_icon = QtGui.QIcon(osf_logo_path)
# Set column labels
# Event handling
# Items currently expanded
self.expanded_items = set()
# Set icon size for tree items
# Due to the recursive nature of the tree populating function, it is
# sometimes difficult to keep track of if the populating function is still
# active. This is a somewhat hacky attempt to artificially keep try to keep
# track, by adding current requests in this list.
self.active_requests = []
# Init filter variable
self._filter = None
# Save the previously selected item before a refresh, so this item can
# be set as the selected item again after the refresh
self.previously_selected_item = None
# Flag that indicates if contents are currently refreshed
self.isRefreshing = False
### Private functions
def __set_expanded_icon(self,item):
data = item.data(0, QtCore.Qt.UserRole)
if data['type'] == 'files' and data['attributes']['kind'] == 'folder':
def __set_collapsed_icon(self,item):
data = item.data(0, QtCore.Qt.UserRole)
if data['type'] == 'files' and data['attributes']['kind'] == 'folder':
def __cleanup_reply(self, reply):
""" Callback for when an error occured while populating the tree, or when
populate_tree finished successfully. Removes the QNetworkReply
from the list of active HTTP operations. """
# Reset active requests after error
except ValueError:
logging.info("Reply not found in active requests")
if not self.active_requests:
def __refresh_finished(self):
""" Expands all treewidget items again that were expanded before the
refresh. """
# Reapply filter if set
if self._filter:
self.filter = self._filter
iterator = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItemIterator(self)
item = iterator.value()
item_data = item.data(0,QtCore.Qt.UserRole)
if item_data['id'] in self.expanded_items:
# Reset selection to item that was selected before refresh
if self.previously_selected_item:
if self.previously_selected_item['id'] == item_data['id']:
iterator += 1
self.isRefreshing = False
### Properties
def filter(self):
""" The currently set filter parameters. """
return self._filter
def filter(self, value):
""" Sets a filter for items present in the tree. Only shows tree items
that match the specified file extension(s) and hides the others.
value : None, str or list
If None is passed, this clears the filter, making all items present
in the tree visible again.
If a string is passed, it will be used as a single file extension
to compare the items against.
If a list of file extensions is passed, than items will be shown if
they match any of the extensions present in the list.
# Check if supplied a valid value
if not isinstance(value, list) and \
not isinstance(value, basestring) and \
not value is None:
raise ValueError('Supplied filter invalid, needs to be list, string'
' or None')
# Store the filter for later reference
self._filter = value
# Iterate over the items
iterator = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItemIterator(self)
item = iterator.value()
# Check if item is of type 'file'
# Filters are only applicable to files
item_type = item.data(1, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole)
if item_type == "file":
# If filter is None, it means everything should be
# visible, so set this item to visible and continue.
if self._filter is None:
iterator += 1
# Check if filter extension is contained in filename
item_data = item.data(0, QtCore.Qt.UserRole)
filename = item_data['attributes']['name']
# Assume no match by default
typematch = False
# If filter is a single string, just check directly
if isinstance(self._filter, basestring):
typematch = fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, self._filter)
# If filter is a list, compare to each item in it
if isinstance(self._filter, list):
for ext in self._filter:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, ext):
typematch = True
# Set item's visibility according to value of typematch
if typematch:
iterator += 1
### Public functions
[docs] def set_filter(self, filetypes):
""" Sets an extension based filter for items in the tree.
.. note :: Can be used instead of using ProjectTree.filter = <value> directly.
filetypes : str or list
A filetype or list of filetypes that should be shown while other file
types are hidden. For example, passing '.txt' to this function will
only show files which have the .txt extension
self.filter = filetypes
[docs] def clear_filter(self):
""" Clears the filter. """
self.filter = None
[docs] def find_item(self, item, index, value):
""" Finds an item in the tree.
Checks if there is already a tree item with the same name as value. This
function does not recurse over the tree items, it only checks the direct
descendants of the given item.
item : QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem
The tree widget item of which to search the direct descendents.
index : int
The column index of the tree widget item.
value : str
The value to search for
The index position at which the item is found or None .
child_count = item.childCount()
if not child_count:
return None
for i in range(0,child_count):
child = item.child(i)
displaytext = child.data(0,QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole)
if displaytext == value:
return i
return None
[docs] def get_icon(self, datatype, name):
""" Returns a QIcon for the passed datatype.
Retrieves the curren theme icon for a certain object (project, folder)
or filetype. Uses the file extension to determine the file type.
datatype : string
The kind of object, which can be project, folder or file
name : string
The name of the object, which is the project's, folder's or
file's name
The icon for the current file/object type """
providers = {
'osfstorage' : osf_blacklogo_path,
'github' : 'web-github',
'dropbox' : 'dropbox',
'googledrive' : 'web-google-drive',
'box' : 'web-microsoft-onedrive',
'cloudfiles' : 'web-microsoft-onedrive',
'dataverse' : 'web-microsoft-onedrive',
'figshare' : 'web-microsoft-onedrive',
's3' : 'web-microsoft-onedrive',
if datatype.lower() in ['public project','private project']:
# return QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme(
# 'gbrainy',
# QtGui.QIcon(osf_logo_path)
# )
if datatype.lower() == 'public project':
return qta.icon('fa.cube', 'fa.globe',
{'scale_factor': 0.75,
'offset': (0.2, 0.20),
'color': 'green'}])
return qta.icon('fa.cube')
if datatype in ['folder','folder-open']:
# Providers are also seen as folders, so if the current folder
# matches a provider's name, simply show its icon.
if name in providers:
return QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme(
return QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme(
elif datatype == 'file':
# check for OpenSesame extensions first. If this is not an OS file
# use fileinspector to determine the filetype
if check_if_opensesame_file(name):
filetype = 'opera-widget-manager'
filetype = fileinspector.determine_type(name,'xdg')
return QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme(
return QtGui.QIcon(osf_blacklogo_path)
[docs] def refresh_children_of_node(self, node):
""" Refreshes the children of the specified node.
In contrast to refresh_contents, which refreshes the whole tree from
the root, this function only refreshes the children of the passed node.
node : QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem
The tree item of which the children need to be refreshed.
if not isinstance(node, QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem):
raise TypeError('node is not a tree widget item')
# If tree currently is refreshing, do nothing
if self.isRefreshing == True:
# Set flag that tree is currently refreshing
self.isRefreshing = True
node_data = node.data(0, QtCore.Qt.UserRole)
except RuntimeError as e:
warnings.warn('Partial refresh attempted while tree item was already'
' deleted')
self.isRefreshing = False
content_url = node_data['relationships']['files']['links'] \
except KeyError as e:
self.isRefreshing = False
raise osf.OSFInvalidResponse('Invalid structure of tree item data '
': {}'.format(e))
# Delete the current children of the node to make place for the new ones
# Retrieve the new listing of children from the OSF
req = self.manager.get(
# If something went wrong, req should be None
if req:
[docs] def refresh_contents(self):
""" Refreshes all contents in the tree. This operation might take a long
time depending on the number of projects that the user has, so it is
recommended to use a partial refresh (refresh_children_of_node), wherever
you can. """
# If tree is already refreshing, don't start again, as this will result
# in a crash
if self.isRefreshing == True:
# Set flag that tree is currently refreshing
self.isRefreshing = True
# Save current item selection to restore it after refresh
current_item = self.currentItem()
if current_item:
self.previously_selected_item = current_item.data(0,QtCore.Qt.UserRole)
self.previously_selected_item = None
if self.manager.logged_in_user != {}:
# If manager has the data of the logged in user saved locally, pass it
# to get_repo_contents directly.
# If not, query the osf for the user data, and pass get_repo_contents
# ass the callback to which the received data should be sent.
self.process_repo_contents, errorCallback=self.__cleanup_reply)
[docs] def add_item(self, parent, data):
""" Adds a new item to the tree. The data that is passed should be
the dictionary containing the information that is found under the 'data'
key in an OSF API responses.
parent : QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem
The parent node to place the new item under.
data : dict
The 'data' segment from the osf data.
item : QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem
The newly created tree widget item
kind : str
The type of the new item (folder, file, project, etc.)
if data['type'] == 'nodes':
name = data["attributes"]["title"]
if data["attributes"]["public"]:
access = "public "
access = "private "
kind = data["attributes"]["category"]
icon_type = access + kind
if data['type'] == 'files':
name = data["attributes"]["name"]
kind = data["attributes"]["kind"]
icon_type = kind
values = [name, kind]
if "size" in data["attributes"] and data["attributes"]["size"]:
values += [humanize.naturalsize(data["attributes"]["size"])]
# Create item
item = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(parent, values)
# Set icon
icon = self.get_icon(icon_type, name)
item.setIcon(0, icon)
# Add data
item.setData(0, QtCore.Qt.UserRole, data)
return item, kind
[docs] def populate_tree(self, reply, parent=None):
Populates the tree with content. The entry point should be a project,
repository or folder inside a repository. The JSON representation
that the api endpoint returns for such a node is used to build the tree
contents. This function is called recursively, for each new subfolder that
is encountered from the entry point on.
reply : QtNetwork.QNetworkReply
The data of the entrypoint from the OSF to create the node in the
tree for.
parent : QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem (default: None)
The parent item to which the generated tree should be attached.
Is mainly used for the recursiveness that this function implements.
If not specified the invisibleRootItem() is used as a parent.
The list of tree items that have just been generated """
osf_response = json.loads(safe_decode(reply.readAll().data()))
if parent is None:
parent = self.invisibleRootItem()
for entry in osf_response["data"]:
# Add item to the tree. Check if object hasn't been deleted in the
# meantime
item, kind = self.add_item(parent, entry)
except RuntimeError as e:
# If a runtime error occured the tree was probably reset or
# another event deleted treeWidgetItems. Not much that can be
# done here, so do some cleanup and quit
if kind in ["project","folder"]:
next_entrypoint = entry['relationships']['files']\
except AttributeError as e:
raise osf.OSFInvalidResponse("Invalid api call for getting next"
"entry point: {}".format(e))
# Add page size parameter to url to let more than 10 results per page be
# returned
next_entrypoint += "?page[size]={}".format(self.ITEMS_PER_PAGE)
req = self.manager.get(
# If something went wrong, req should be None
if req:
# If the results are paginated, see if there is another page that needs
# to be processed
next_page_url = osf_response['links']['next']
except AttributeError as e:
raise osf.OSFInvalidResponse("Invalid OSF data format for next page of "
"results. Missing attribute: {}".format(e))
if not next_page_url is None:
req = self.manager.get(
# If something went wrong, req should be None
if req:
# Remove current reply from list of active requests (assuming it finished)
[docs] def process_repo_contents(self, logged_in_user):
""" Processes contents for the logged in user. Starts by listing
the projects and then recurses through all their repositories, folders and files. """
# If this function is called as a callback, the supplied data will be a
# QByteArray. Convert to a dictionary for easier usage
if isinstance(logged_in_user, QtNetwork.QNetworkReply):
logged_in_user = json.loads(safe_decode(logged_in_user.readAll().data()))
# Get url to user projects. Use that as entry point to populate the project tree
user_nodes_api_call = logged_in_user['data']['relationships']['nodes']\
except AttributeError as e:
raise osf.OSFInvalidResponse(
"The structure of the retrieved data seems invalid: {}".format(e)
# Clear the tree to be sure
# Add the max items to return per request to the api url
user_nodes_api_call += "?page[size]={}".format(self.ITEMS_PER_PAGE)
# Start populating the tree
req = self.manager.get(
# If something went wrong, req should be None
if req:
# Event handling functions required by EventDispatcher
[docs] def handle_login(self):
""" Callback function for EventDispatcher when a login event is detected. """
self.active_requests = []
[docs] def handle_logout(self):
""" Callback function for EventDispatcher when a logout event is detected. """
self.active_requests = []
self.previously_selected_item = None